WHAT A WEEK SO FAR….ever had one of those weeks where you start with a clear focus and determination to accomplish your goals for the week and then…almost in the blink of an eye your plans get hijacked and you find yourself on a different course…Day 2 into my New Years training and my 17 month old girls both come down with gastro ?…so no training for me, just 2 days into my clear focus and strong determination for a fitter version of me in 2018!

I wanted to share this because bad days happen to us all, even those of us who seem to never skip a beat when it comes to training and nutrition. And it’s ok. An old version of me would have in this circumstance, beat myself up for missing a training day, felt miserable, been grumpy and made a deal with myself that I would have to double my training the next day to make up for it or else something bad (a multitude of possibilities) was going to happen. This approach, this attitude, this kind of thinking was a problem because it made me unhappy and it was stressful…and neither of those things are good for me or the people I live with! Now this thinking probably sounds irrational, and it was, but it was where my thoughts went and I know that many of you experience the same when your plans get hijacked.

For me though, not this time. This time I had acceptance for myself because I knew I was doing the best I could, I had trust in my capabilities to know that my fitness wasn’t lost over 1 missed session and I recognised what I could do…”what else could I do that would keep me feeling good and on track?” My answer was to take extra care of my nutrition.

So all up, it worked out fine, my daughters were feeling better 24hrs later, I did get to train again the next day, and actually I did do a double workout but not because I had to, because I WANTED to…totally different experience. I stayed on track with my New Years focus and I simply made Day 2 an unplanned rest day…rather than taking my rest day later in the week.

So it’s not about totally giving in to the hurdles life throws at you, throwing your hands up in the air and saying “well it’s out of my control” but equally it’s also not about being so rigid with your plan that if you step away from it you completely lose your place and you feel terrible because of it. It’s about having flexibility…flexibility to see the hurdles and jump over them, it means you need to put some effort in and it means you really need to want it. You need to want the outcome you’ve decided you’re going to work towards. Because it isn’t going to all be smooth sailing and when it isn’t you need to have the personal resolve to move past it and be kind to yourself at the same time.

So here’s my learning…when things go pear shaped, put your thoughts and energy into finding a solution, rather than dwelling on what you aren’t doing and the problem you’re faced with. And if you recognise that you have been in similar situations yourself, but you haven’t been able to move past the hurdle then get in contact with me. Gaining the mindset to shift you from problem focused to solution focused is possible and it can dramatically improve your life.

Hope you’ve taken something meaningful from this.
Until next time

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