I was speaking with a friend the other day and she was being honest about what she really wanted from her health and fitness. She said to me “you know, I really just want to have more energy. I want to feel better within myself and I’d like to feel stronger and fitter.”
She isn’t the first person who has ever shared that with me, that one of their number one outcomes is to have more energy.
We live in a fast paced, demanding and constantly ‘switched on’ world. Their is a lot of noise on the outside and their is also often a lot of noise inside our minds too. Our mind and body often reflect what is going on in the world around us.
Constantly being ‘switched on’, feeling like you need to be doing something will make you tired. Our bodies and our minds need opportunities to rest and recover. I think, in general, we are very aware of the need to physically rest and recover, but we aren’t always as good at recognising that our minds need to recover too. This is why it is so important for our health and wellbeing to engage in activities that take us into our creative or feminine energy. These activities provided us with the mental wellbeing we crave when we say that we want more energy. These activities will also often fill our cups emotionally and spiritually as they are often fun, light heart and they connect us back to our soul.
When people tell me they don’t have time to do creative activities like drawing, playing a musical instrument, taking a massage, I will often tell them that “you don’t have time not to”. The level of fatigue you experience from being constantly engaged in your ‘to-do’ list is only slowing you down, disconnects you from the world and is making life far less enjoyable than it needs to be.
If you’d like to know a bit more about what activities you can do or why this is so important check out the video below where I share more. Check it out here: https://youtu.be/6-tyQUlUhLY
Until next time, be kind to yourself!
Sharon x