One of my recent reads and a popular book recommendations at my last retreat was Atlas of the Heart by Brené Brown. In it, Brown explores the complex landscape of human emotions and experiences. Drawing from extensive research, Brown maps out 87 emotions and their interconnectedness, offering readers a guide to understanding and articulating their feelings. To put this into perspective, I encourage you to quiz yourself now. How many emotions can you name off the top of your head? How many of those do you use on a day-to-day basis?

Through personal anecdotes and relatable scenarios, she emphasises the importance of vulnerability, empathy, and connection in fostering emotional well-being and deeper relationships. 

The book delves into the nuances of each emotion, offering us a richer vocabulary and understanding of our feelings. Brown explores everything from the distinctions between happiness, joy, and awe to the depths of shame and judgment. She introduces lesser-known emotions like hubris and tranquility, expanding our emotional awareness.  I often share in my coaching that we can only have what we can language and this book empowers us to experience a more colourful arrange of emotion through the depth of understanding and awareness gained. 

Each chapter is framed as "The places we go when we..." guiding us to understand how and when these emotions might come into play for us. This book is a treasure trove for anyone looking to deepen their self-awareness and empathy towards others. Highly enriching and recommended for personal growth, I give it 5 stars!

Get it on Spotify or Audible or paper version from book retailers. 

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