The Best Version Of You Starts Here.

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“Your health and fitness influences your day to day happiness in a way that is greater than any other element of your life.”


Next Available Retreats Take Place In:

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”center” font_size=”40″ font_font=”PT%20Sans%20Narrow” font_style=”bold” font_color=”%23ffffff” font_spacing=”0″ bottom_padding=”20″ bottom_margin=”20″ line_height=”30″]October & December 2022[/text_block]
[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”center” font_size=”40″ font_font=”PT%20Sans%20Narrow” font_style=”bold” font_color=”%23ffffff” font_spacing=”0″ line_height=”30″]The VitalityFit Retreat for WOMEN[/text_block]
[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”center” font_size=”40″ font_font=”PT%20Sans%20Narrow” font_style=”bold” font_color=”%23ffffff” font_spacing=”0″ bottom_padding=”20″ bottom_margin=”20″ line_height=”30″]February 2023[/text_block]
[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”center” font_size=”40″ font_font=”PT%20Sans%20Narrow” font_style=”bold” font_color=”%23ffffff” font_spacing=”0″ line_height=”30″]The VitalityFit Retreat for COUPLES[/text_block]
[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”center” font_size=”40″ font_font=”PT%20Sans%20Narrow” font_style=”bold” font_color=”%23ffffff” font_spacing=”0″ line_height=”40″]Our retreats book up months in advance so we recommend booking early to secure your place!

Come and experience a luxurious 4 night stay in Eagle Bay, Bunker Bay or Yallingup, Western Australia

Register Your Interest Below Now Before These Dates Fill Up!




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<a id=”The_Retreat_Experience”></a>


The VitalityFit Retreat

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The VitalityFit Retreat is a luxurious health and fitness experience designed to give you what you need to truly feel energised, lighter and more confident in your own skin.



<a id=”Who”></a>

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Have you had trouble breaking unhealthy habits that stop you achieving good health and fitness?

Do your good intentions get highjacked by life’s demands and other peoples needs?

Do you feel burnout, tired and exhausted and you just want to press the ‘pause’ button on life for a moment?

Are you curious to know more about yourself, why you do what you do and are you looking for a opportunity to refocus on what is important to you?


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If so, The VitalityFit Retreat is for you.


<a id=”Testimonials”></a>

<a id=”Testimonials”></a>

<a id=”Testimonials”></a>

<a id=”Testimonials”></a>

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”center” font_size=”20″ font_font=”PT%20Sans%20Narrow” font_style=”bold” font_color=”%2300c7cd”]Kim – October 2019[/text_block]
[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”center” font_size=”20″ font_font=”PT%20Sans%20Narrow” font_style=”bold” font_color=”%2300c7cd”]Annette – Oct 2019[/text_block]

<a id=”Testimonials”></a>

<a id=”Testimonials”></a>

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“Your feelings are what drive your behaviour. But it is your thinking, your thoughts and attitudes, that influence your feelings. If you want to behave differently and feel better about yourself then you must address your thinking. That is where true success lies”[/text_block]

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”center” font_size=”25″ font_font=”PT%20Sans%20Narrow” font_style=”bold” font_color=”%23ffffff”]Sharon Curciarello[/text_block]
[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”center” font_size=”15″ font_font=”PT%20Sans%20Narrow” font_style=”bold” font_color=”%23ffffff”]Founder and Host of The VitalityFit Retreat[/text_block]

<a id=”Physical_Exercise”></a>

Physical Exercise

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”17″ font_font=”Source%20Sans%20Pro” font_style=”normal” font_color=”%2300c7cd” width=”460″]Through well structured physical training you can gain a strong and fit body.  A body that looks good, has energy, can participate in activities with family and friends and is less likely to develop sickness and injury.

The daily physical exercise improves the blood flow and circulation throughout your body which improves your energy. To gain a stronger, lighter, more flexible and more toned body you must challenge your body in a way that it isn’t familiar with.  We’ll show you how to do all of these things in the most effective way for you and the results you want.

Designed by professionals, each workout has a specific focus so that you receive a full body and holistic training experience while you are with us.

These workouts will give you an experience of exercise that is enjoyable, rewarding and engaging. They can be a great kick starter or a booster to your existing training habit, depending on where you are at in your exercise behaviour.

We cater all workouts for all fitness levels, injuries and ages.[/text_block]

<a id=”Nutrition”></a>


[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”17″ font_font=”Source%20Sans%20Pro” font_style=”normal” font_color=”%2300c7cd” width=”460″]How well you fuel your body will determine the quality of your energy levels, the shape and size of your body and it can prevent illness and injury.

Experience the benefits of delicious, good for you food, all prepared for you, that will give your body energy, help you feel lighter, and will allow you to detox from key allergens and energy zapping foods and drinks like alcohol and processed sugars. You will walk away feeling great and thinking clearly because you have fuelled your body well during your stay.

For those wanting to develop better nutrition at home you can also gain tips and shortcuts from our in-house chef through cooking demos so you too can cook good food fast. We’ll also help you think better about nutrition to avoid frustrating behaviours like emotional eating that can sabotage your health and fitness results. Taking control of your nutrition will give you better health, more energy and a great looking body.[/text_block]

<a id=”Your_Mindset”></a>

Your Mindset

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”17″ font_font=”Source%20Sans%20Pro” font_style=”normal” font_color=”%2300c7cd” width=”460″]Your mindset is the greatest influence on your health and fitness behaviour and results. Your feelings towards yourself and your attitude towards health and fitness determines your motivation, your persistence and your level of consistency in this area of your life.

If you lack motivation towards your health and fitness, sabotage your own results or simply keep getting disrupted in your attempt to get fit and healthy then your mindset is likely the result of your challenge.

We address beliefs and the association you have with your fit and healthy self. A qualified Health Coach will show you the steps to create healthy self belief, a good relationship with yourself and a positive connection with your fitter, healthier and happier self.

Throughout the retreat you will not only walk away with the physical tools to achieve better health and wellbeing, you will gain the brain smarts to make it happen too. [/text_block]

<a id=”Me_Time”></a>

‘Me’ Time

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”17″ font_font=”Source%20Sans%20Pro” font_style=”normal” font_color=”%2300c7cd” width=”460″]If you’re tired, burn out and you know you need a break then a retreat can be the best way to recharge your batteries, especially as a woman, here’s why.

The most relaxing place to be in your world is home right?! Wrong. Home, for women especially, is your (second) place of work. It is where your chore list is, where your family responsibilities lie and like many women, you have trouble ‘switching off’ from these tasks.

On retreat, there are no chores, no one asking for your time and energy, there is only you to take care of. You can relax, read a book, take a nap, go for a swim, go for a walk, chat with the other women on retreat…whatever you feel like doing…the time is yours to do as you please.

This is true relaxation and recovery that will rebuild your energy levels, put a smile back on your face and allow your body to “hum” like it should.[/text_block]

Laura Fox

     So the pair of jeans that were snug at Christmas are now ridiculously big. Guess that is what losing 10kg will do! Big thank you to Sharon (VitalityFit Program) for all your help and support.

Laura Fox

<a id=”Accomodation”></a>


Where You Will Be Staying

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”center” font_size=”17″ font_font=”Source%20Sans%20Pro” font_style=”normal” font_color=”%23ffffff” width=”460″]Your environment is very important, it can have a big impact on how you feel on a day to day basis. We guarantee we have taken care of this part of your retreat experience also.

On your retreat, you will come to Western Australia’s south west coastline, a beautiful and inspiring corner of Western Australia, perfect for relaxing and re-energising. Bunker Bay, Eagle Bay and Yallingup are the locations for our retreats and each are the ideal place for a wellbeing retreat, with pristine beaches on your door step, the properties that we use are each nestled into the beautiful coastal bushland providing quiet and tranquility.

You will feel all the benefits of getting away from rush hour and reconnecting with nature. Nestled amongst the tree tops, the sounds of nature surrounding you, you will easily find a relaxing and breath taking spot to sit and relax throughout your stay. [/text_block]

<a id=”Package_Details”></a>

The VitalityFit Retreat Packages

All packages are all inclusive.

Included in your retreat package:

  • 4 nights luxurious accomodation. Choose your level of accomodation from the Retreat Package, Deluxe Package and Indulgence Package.
  • Breakfast, lunch, dinner, beverages plus snacks for your whole stay.
  • All meals are gluten free and refined sugar free or can be easily adapted to meet your dietary needs. Vegetarian and vegan dietary requirements also catered for.
  • Daily workouts.
  • Daily coaching workshops.
  • Daily relaxing and inspiring meditations.
  • Take home recipes to carry on all the nourishing benefits at home.
  • Weekly training plan guidance to suit your body, time and resource requirements.
  • A digital take home reference guide to help you continue your personal discovery journey.
  • 2 x Bowen Therapy treatments or Massage treatments delivered by a qualified Bowen Therapist or Massage Therapist.
  • Option to book additional remedial treatments to get maximum physical recovery during your stay.
  • 1:1 time with a certified Health Coach available at your request
  • Daily ‘Me’ time to explore, relax or connect with other guests on the retreat.
  • Time away from life’s demands, we’ll take of you so you can relax.

Register Your Interest In Attending One Of Our Retreats

If you’d like to know more about the retreat, please fill in the form below and we’ll get in contact with you.

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[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”center” font_size=”30″ font_font=”Source%20Sans%20Pro” font_style=”bold” font_color=”%23ffffff” line_height=”40″]When was the last time you did something good for you?[/text_block]
[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”center” font_size=”40″ font_font=”PT%20Sans%20Narrow” font_style=”bold” font_color=”%23ffffff” line_height=”40″]They say that if you want a different result, you’ve got to do something different.[/text_block]
[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”center” font_size=”30″ font_font=”Source%20Sans%20Pro” font_style=”bold” font_color=”%23ffffff” line_height=”40″]Here is your different. Your time is now.

Register your interest TODAY.[/text_block]


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